Tuesday 29 November 2011

Monday 2 May 2011

Monday 25 April 2011

Back Muscles...

The back is now getting more focus.  The main muscle defintion is there but the finer, more defined areas must still be implimented.

So far...

More work has been done refining the model and the main bulk of the work is done.  There is only some small bits of work to be done to the mesh before its is complete.
I am begining to feel that I have limited myself too much with the polygon count.  Therefore I am going to also do a more smooth, higier polygon version to talk about in my evaluation.

Serratus Muscles Continued...

The seratus muscels are now done and I am able to make minor adjustments and continue.

Serratus Muscles...

As can be seen above, the mesh has been partially worked into using the cut tool to create edges to bring out the serratus muscles.  This proces will be repeated to create the rest.


The abdominals have been edited to look more curved and smooth.  This is all geared towards making the mesh look more true and realistic to life.